02 November 2006

Getting colder...

Finally it's the kind of weather in which whenever you breathe out little clouds of white appear.
It's my favourite kind of weather...something about the dry air makes it all the more refreshing.

After two days of stormy weather, the streets are full of colourful fallen leaves and broken twigs. And today it's what we call here 'wisselvallig' [variable, everchanging] weather. It looks sunny, but look further there are dense grey clouds looming. The sky may be blue one moment, the next it'll be completely clouded over. Rain comes and goes like a random flow of people at the station. And it leaves me sitting in the big empty library shivering.

There are moments of utter stillness, to be interupted suddenly by bombardments of hard drops of rain and hail. The fact that a large part of the roof of law faculty is made out of transparent glass makes it especially enjoyable to look at. Little streams of water, droplets of dew, splashes of rain are a nice are a relaxing change from hard realities of international law on the use of force.

Almost one week has gone by after the mid-term break. The usual routine of classes and studying started again. I had a confidence boost today when I heard that I actually got a 9 (out of 10) for my mid-term exam. Really wasn't expecting it, since when I wrote that exam I really felt I had to 'bluff' my way through. I sort of wrote about anything and everything I know about a given topic, and far exceeded the recommended 100 word we should have used to answer each question. Well, I'm happy.

Besides that, I'm still volunteering one day a week at the moot court organising office. That's really getting busier now, since we're trying to get universities to enter into the competition. And that's just half the work...there's also the problem of trying to get sponsors, finding locations for dinners and a party, finding a caterer, booking hotel rooms for around 200 people. Good that we've got four people sharing the burden. Once the teams have been finalised, and as we get closer to the big event in April, it'll get easier busier...

On the whole, I'm not sure what I'm feeling at the moment... but life has sort of entered into this routine of study and work, work and study and the weeks seem to be passing by so quickly, while at the same time.... so emptily as well. I guess I'm feeling a little lonely again, you know, after a few weeks of the initial excitement of making new friends and socialising, you realise there's only so much you can talk about and only so deep you can go with people.

And when the weather gets colder, you want to get closer.

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