22 October 2006

Subtle approach

Subtle is good. Subtle is less provocative, but nonetheless sometimes revealing. And I like subtle approaches.

I recently signed up to Facebook, an online network which allows you to link up with your friends and keep up-to-date on what they're up to. You can post pictures, write notes, and see who the friends of your friends are. You can also join 'networks', or interest groups that you feel appeals to you. So far I've joined the groups:"If you hate SOAS, transfer to a lower ranking school", "When I was your age, Pluto was a planet.", "Amnesty International "...and I came across "Gay? Who me?" and "Homophobia is Gay".

As much as I'd like to sign up immediately, I hesitated a little. The first group would without doubt out me to the rest of my (mostly new-found) friends at uni. I don't think I'm ready to be bombarded with questions and/or (perhaps) negative reactions at this point. The second one could be suggesting something, but just enough to keep them guessing, and wondering...And I like that, or at least, that is better than a 'straight' confrontation. So I signed up to the second group... for now. Together with a rainbow flag they can find in my personal photo album, maybe my friends are clever enough to put two and two together.

Maybe I'm not totally comfortable with myself yet, and somewhat afraid of rejection. Originally I had intended to tick in my personal bio that I'm interested in men, but shelved that idea in the end as being too (for the lack of a better word) straightforward. But I guess by subtly revealing something personal about myself I'm sort of bold at the same time. We'll see what happens.

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