14 October 2006

Dutch directness

I was just talking with someone in my class, casually, small talk, and one thing led to another...

"...yeah, I've been basically living alone since I was like 13," I said as-a-matter-of-factly.
"Oh, it must be lonely. Or maybe not so much with a girlfriend?" After a slight pause she continued ,"Or maybe a boyfriend. You know in the Netherlands it can be girlfriend or boyfriend."
I squirmed a little and my mind wondered what to say. The only thing that I could say was a weak "Yes..."
"So do you like girls or boys?"
I hesitated slightly, wondering whether the truth could come out. And I knew what to do. I knew I had to be true. And it came out. "I prefer boys."
"That's good. I understand. I won't tell anyone," she said sympathetically and winked.
I smiled back, a little relieved, a little proud, a little flustered, a little out. "When people ask, I tell."

The rest of my (English-speaking) friends sat around us, all engaged in their conversation. Perhaps they were too busy talking and listening to even notice the significance of what I just said, and the meaning of what I just revealed. But a part of me inside felt it was unfortanate the dialogue was in Dutch.

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