30 November 2006

World AIDS Day

Support World AIDS Day

Millions of people have died, and millions more will.

Children, men, women of every race, in every place around the world are falling victim to this terrible disease.

Today, on World AIDS Day, it is a chance for us to show that we care, and show that we can break through the predjudice and embrace people for who they are.


Was looking forward to tonight and going to a movie with an old friend from school. We've not seen each other in months, and I called two weeks ago just to ask how he's doing. With him, it always seems like we kept in touch, even after such a long time. So we agreed to go to the movies last week, but because I had a paper to finish off, had to cancel at the last minute.

We postponed to this week, and at the last minute he cancelled, because he had a paper to finish off. I was walking around in the Christmas-shopping craze and crowd when he called, and was I disappointed...

Oh well, I walked around more, and thought of making something out of the evening anyways. It's been a while since I last was in town, so I walked around and, despite swearing to myself I'd not be absorbed into the drone-like state of senseless consumerism and enticements of modern capitalism, I felt I needed to pick up some things for some friends. These dear friends, many I don't see much, some I haven't even seen before, have given me so much with so little that they deserved to be thanked, and thanked again.

I know, a little gift cannot 'pay back' all those moments and words of support and encouragement and friendship when I neeeded them most. But I hope, from the bottom my little heart, that my little gift will show them how much I appreciate, and treasure, them being there. Always.

27 November 2006


It's been a long, long time since I last cried. Cried because something moved me so.

Came home just now after a difficult day at uni, sat down to have dinner and watch an episode of Ally McBeal--the neurotic lawyer who for whole five seasons has been looking for that something,
that someone to fill the void in her life. In this very episode a little girl shows up at her door step, and turns out to be the daughter Ally never knew she had... and the whole that filled that hole inside Ally.

It was hard for Ally to accept that she has a daughter, and even harder that suddenly her life took on new meaning. But they bonded, and promised to give life together a try. At the end of the episode they hugged...a genuine hug, a deep, moving hug, with tears wallowing. They found one another, mother and child.

I...I'm looking for that lost feeling still.